miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016


Hi everyone, I am Daniel Isidro from 2ºA and now I am going to talk about the conquest of Granada, let's see:

In 1492 the Catholic Monarchs finally conquest the last Musulman taifa in the Iberian Peninsula.

After nearly 10 years of war in 1491 the Catholic Monarchs conquest the capital of the Moorish kingdom of Granada and the Sultan Boabdil was forced to capitulate and surrender the city on January 2 of 1492.
The Catholic Monarchs, had established secret pacts with the Granada King Boabdil by which it undertook to pay the capital as soon as circumstances permit, exchange if the 
Catholic monarchs didn't attack Granada.
However, the king Boabdil broke the pact and he didn't negotiate with the monarchs and he continuated the war until 1491 when Granada was taken.

In July of 1491, the Catholic Monarchs had a acampament near Granada and a fire razed that campament and some fonts say that the queen Isabel was nearly to die in her tent.
However, Isabel instead of ordering their eviction, she had build a new campament called, Santa Fe.

The 2 of January the Christian trops entered into Granada and they took the main fortresses and the towers.

Fonts: Natinal Geographic, España.

By Daniel Isidro, 2ºA

6 comentarios:

  1. I´m Aitana, well done :D

  2. You do a well job, i didn't knew well what was santa fe but i heard a lot of times so thanks. Borja Álvarez

  3. I agree with Azu Aitana and Borja it is a very good job and interesting. Well done Dani!

  4. I agree with Azu Aitana and Borja it is a very good job and interesting. Well done Dani!
