miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

Discovery of America by Miguel Pérez

In 12th October, 1492 ocurred one of the most impotant discoveries in the world; the discovery of America. The Catholic Monarchs wanted to conquer more territories, so a expedition begun captained by Cristobal Colon. The out put was in the "Cabo de Palos, Andalucia", but it also started in Portugal in the 1st trip. The trip was two months long, they finnaly arrived in America, exactly in Las Bahamas. This map shows the trip of the diferens travels trough the Atlantic Ocean:

The most popular boats of this expedition are the "Santa Maria", "La Pinta" and "La Niña".
This is a VERY interesant web, it explains the arrive in Spain of Cristobal Colon, and when the Catholic Monarchs are receiving him and his sailors, but its in spanish :(http://www.nationalgeographic.com.es/historia/actualidad/los-reyes-catolicos-reciben-a-cristobal-colon_7162

I hope you`ll have a nice holidays, Goodbye :)

By Miguel Perez 2ºB

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