miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

Dante Alighieri.

Durante di Alighiero degli Alighieri was a mayor Italian poet of the renaissance. He was born in Florencia 1265 and died in Ravenna 1321. In Italian, he is known as il Sommo Poeta ("the Supreme Poet"). He participated in political struggles, that´s why he was exiled from his hometown. Also he was a supporter of Italian unity. He wrote some treatises in Latin on literature, politics and philosophy.

His Divine Comedy, originally called Comedìa (modern Italian: Commedia) and later christened Divina by Boccaccio, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. It helped to change from medieval to renaissance thought.


Vita nuova: it is his first known work, it was written between 1292 and 1293. It is made by 31 lyrical poems and 42 chapters in prose.

De vulgari eloquentia: it was an essay that is written in Latin. He wrote it to analyse the origin and philosophy of the vernacular, because he thought that this language was not static, it was something that evolved and needed an historical context.

Divine Comedy : it was an epic poem, it was written between 1304 and his death. It describes Dante's journey through Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Paradise (Paradiso). It is considered as one of the greatest literary statements. 


-in quella parte del libro de la mia memoria... si trova una rubrica la quale dice: Incipit vita nova.
(In that book which is my memory... Here begins a new life)
-Qui si convien lasciare ogni sospetto; ogni viltà convien che qui sia morta.
(here must all distrust be left behind; all cowardice must be ended)

                                                                                                        By; Aitana Soria 2ºA

3 comentarios:

  1. I like your entry Aita, good job ;D

  2. I really like your entrance because it has got lot of intersting things and I like so much the information. Very good Aitana!

  3. I really like your entrance because it has got lot of intersting things and I like so much the information. Very good Aitana!
