lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015


In medieval times several universities were founded along Europe. Some examples are Oxford in the United Kingdom, Montpellier in France and Bolonia in Italy. In Spain, the first one was The University of Salamanca.
Some history:
The University of Salamanca was created in 1130 and at first, it was a school at the Old Cathedral. Then, it turned into a real university in 1218, when the king Alfonso IX of León gave it the category of a place with “General Studies”, known in latin as “Studii Salmantini”.
Some curiosities:
-          Its main studies were in LAW (in contrast to Oxford and Montpellier, centered in Technology and Arts)
-         It was the first university to hold a PUBLIC LIBRARY (created in 1254 by the king Alfonso X The Wise)
-    -Teachers who were teaching law were BETTER PAID than the others, who were teaching Medicine, Grammar, Logics and Music.
-         The language used was LATIN, so teachers and students from other parts of Europe could come and study here (Although not many students came…)
-          It was SMALL, compared to other European universities.
-         -All the students were MALE, and mostly from the clergy.
-        -At present, it is one of the BEST universities in Spain.

This is the façade of the university Of Salamanca

About the building:
In medieval times, classes were held in the cloister of the Old Cathedral (of both, Romanesque and Gothic styles, but mainly Romanic), also in some houses rented to the church (The “Cabildo”) and at the Saint Benito’s Church (Catholic Church of Gothic style).
Much later, in the 15th century Saint Bartholomew’s Residence was built, and it began to be considered the first university building created just for teaching purposes.
Did you know?:
Descripción: Castilla-La Mancha there was also a Medieval University: The University of Sigüenza.  It was created in medieval times, but only as a minor school depending on the cathedral. It wasn’t considered as a real university until 1489, but its origins were established at the same time of the other important universities. Well, at least it is something…

This is the inside of the building.

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