sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

Attila the Hun

Hi everybody, this is some information I found of Attila the Hun. I got it from this webpage: http://www.history.com/topics/atilla

Attila was the most important king of the Huns. He was a strong and powerful leader. The Huns lived in the Great Hungarian Plain, and they controlled the northern frontier of the Roman Empire.

Attila became king of the huns in 435 and he ruled until his death in 453. By the time Attila ruled the kingdom, they were no longer a nomadic tribe. They settled down in Hungary and they developed an infantry army.

Attila visited the Pope in Northern Italy when the Western Roman Empire was on the verge of its collapse. People say that St. Peter and St. Paul appeared to Attila and threatened him with death if he ignored what the Pope told him. He decided to withdraw from Italy because his troops were suffering from disease and running short of supplies. Attila decided to abandon the invasion and Italy was saved.

Attila died the next year from a nosebleed while celebrating his marriage. Attila left no strong leader to replace him when he died, so the Huns quickly disappeared from history.

So, what do you guys think? Did you know all of this about Attila the Hun? Do you think it is normal to die from a nosebleed?

Gabriel Stover 2ºB

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