martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015



  • This consist in the ceremony on the Middle Ages that a in which a feudal lord or a vassal peldged reverence and submission to his King or feudal lord, receiving in exchange the symbolic title to his new position .

  •  Phases of homage ceremony:

                          1) Inmixto Manum 
                                -The vassal puts his hands between to the hand of his future lord and declares to want to be his vassal. The words that pronounces are:"Lord, I am your man"
                                     2)Oath of Fealty
                                         -The vassal swore obedience to the king upon a holy object.            Like a bible.
                                            -The king gave to the vassal a fief.
                                            -The king touched the vassal´s shoulders with a sword.
                 By: Rodrigo Díaz             

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