viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

 Javier Parera 2ºB

                          THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS

 Santa church basilic cathedral Santa María of Bugosconstruction  started in 1221 by Fernando III. It was consagrated on 1260

 the gothic temple has got a latin cross it wide is 11 meter and it hight 25 
Its cruciform floorplan, with a 106 meter long nave and wide aisles, is almost hidden, in exterior views, by the fifteen chapels added at all angles to the aisles and transpets, by the beautiful 14th-century cloisters on the northwest and the archipiscopal palace on the southwest. Over the three central doorways of the main or western façade rise the two lofty and graceful towers, crowned by their spires. Many of the altars, chapels and monuments within the cathedral are of artistic and historical interest.

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