viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

A galleon is a sailing vessel used since the early sixteenth century. The galleons were boats of powerful destruction and very slow that could be also used for trade or war. Since the mid-sixteenth century became the main trade boat of European nations, and in its design were based the later types of warships of small size.

Spain was the nation that widespread and retained longer the name and made this kind of vessel type chosen for trade with its overseas possessions, as its combination of size, sail and the possibility of transporting weapons and troops did ideal for long ocean voyages, giving to the Spanish crown a fleet of vessels larger than ships and sailors rattles or ships, thus combining transport capacity of cargo ships with the firepower that required the new techniques of war at sea, allowing to have transport ships strongly armed

Over time galleon functions are being assumed by other more specialized vessel. The galleons of war are defined as a specific type in the seventeenth century, stronger and more armed than before, and that would end up drifting ship of the line in the eighteenth century. In their functions cargo ship was replaced by boats as fluyt or Dutch flute, lightly armed but cheaper and more efficient. Other smaller boats such as brigs replaced the smaller galleons. In all these superstructures they were simplified and reduced in height and rigging is streamlined, fragmenting the aerofoil and lightening the structure. Since mid-eighteenth century lateen sails were replaced in these ships by auric candles. Also they disappeared, first the storm jib and then the cebadera. During the second half of the eighteenth century it was generalizing the use of candles knife. The galleon and other obsolete types continued to be used in Spain for certain functions longer than in other European nations that evolved quickly into new designs, the stagnation of the Spanish administration and measures such as the ban by the inquisition of books from nations Protestants, among other manuals shipbuilding, had a negative impact which led to a gradual taking advantage of the navies of England and France.

Here I leave this link, it´s in Spanish but it´s very interesting. It´s about a Spanish galleon found in Colombia.


2 comentarios:

  1. mierda, no se ven las fotos... Sara Mayor

  2. Your entree is very good explained and now I know a lot about a galleon.
    By Teresa
