lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

I'm going to talk about culture in the Baroque Ages.

Architecture and Sculpture: 
    - The main characteristic was the representation of movement.
    - Types of Baroque buildings:
          *Religious buildings: they had large domes. Example: Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in                                                     Rome.
          *Non-Religious buildings: such as palaces that represented the power of the                                                                monarchy and maisions of nobles an bourgeoisie.
    -Architecture in Spain: 
          *Religious architecture: they used extensive decoration. Example: Cathedral of Santiago                                               de Compostela.
          *Civil architecture: it was less decorate and more balanced. Example: Plaza Mayor of                                                   Madrid.
    -Sculpture in Spain: was based in religious themes, its objective was to eclicit emotion in the                                               faces.
    -Catholic churches used elaborate paintings and sculptures to explain religious principles.
    -It was defined by delicate effects of light and colour, exploting the contrast between light and shades. The figures were very realism.
    -An important painter was Carvaggio.
    -Painting in Spain:
          *Paintig experienced a golden age.
          *In the first half of 17th century  Jose de Rivera and Francisco de Zurbaran were two                                                   famous painters.
          *In the second half of 17th century Esteban Murillo stood but Diego Velazquez was recognised in all parts with his famous painting ´Las Meninas´.

To finish we can see that in the Baroque age painters used many types of contrast, they wanted create an effect of movement, they were so realism and symbolism, they created feelings in faces.
By Ángel Villacastín Sánchez

4 comentarios:

  1. That is a good representation. It is very completed.

    by alvaro manzano medina

  2. That is a good representation. It is very completed.

    by alvaro manzano medina

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Good job Angel!
    Martin Mateos Gamez 2ºA
