martes, 12 de enero de 2016

Cristobal Colón's ships

Hello everyone. This PowerPoint presentation is about the three ships that Cristobal Colón used in his first expedition to America. I hope you to enjoy it.
Alba Alonso 2ºA

10 comentarios:

  1. Angel Villacastin: I like this power poit because it's all clear about the ships of Cristobal Colon and I like so much the Santa Maria ship ¡GREAT!

  2. Angel Villacastin: I like this power poit because it's all clear about the ships of Cristobal Colon and I like so much the Santa Maria ship ¡GREAT!

  3. Sara Mayor: Wow Alba, your power point is a great idea. I think that because is interesting and, for me, new. Before read it, i don´t know it and now, I learn about ships. Very good job

  4. WOW Cristobal Colon travel in this amazing ships, I don't know to much of this but know I got it clear, good job
    Sofia Diaz

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. Thank you Sofía
      Alba Alonso 2ºA

  5. Eva Martínez:I like very much your power point because it is very original and I knew little things about "La Niña" "La Pinta" and "Santa Maria"

  6. Quite interesting powerpoint well done Alba. Gabriel Stover 2ºB
